Pop Culture
She’s Gotta Watch It is a weekly TV podcast hosted by two queer black women who happen to be married to each other! Our show is the embodiment of television couch talk that is smart, funny, and relatable. Each week we pick one show that we just had to watch and discuss everything about its narrative, visuals, and genre. Sometimes this means calling out a show for its poor production, and sometimes it means excitedly discussing a new kid on the block. So tune in, relax, and enjoy our take on some of your favorite shows!
Super Tuesday isn’t just for politics anymore. The MTR Network super team of Kriss, Dpalm, Shanna and The Doctor assemble to review you favorite nerd TV shows. From Agents of Shield to The Gifted to the entire Arrowverse (Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl & Black Lightning). We also cover Star Trek Discovery, the Marvel Netflix shows and have a monthly Mailbag episode where we talk nerd news in movies, TV and comic books. If it’s nerd news & reviews you want, then this is the show for you.
The elegance, humility and vulnerability of such a quote would never strike one as having been poured from the mouth of a character from an anime–a villain, no less. But your dedicated nerd wouldn’t be surprised at the depth behind the animation of a seven-episode series about giant robots fighting in space. Having been raised on comic books from the 70s, anime from the 80s, and video games from the 90s, it’s of no surprise that the entrepreneurial spirit kept me coming back to the very heart and soul of what influences me on a daily basis.
I’m a junkie for pop culture and entertainment (I watch Gilmore Girls solely for the references), and the more I learn about the prospect, the hustle and the payoff of being one’s own boss, I can’t help but want to share everything I know not only about Gundam and Ghostbusters, MegaZords and Mega Busters, Dragon Balls and the Dreamcast, but also about what in the world in takes to be self-sufficient start-up with a podcast, a dream, and breath in his lungs to speak.
Just remember this–in this end….you did this to yourself.
A weekly podcast for an insightful & vivifying look at Music, Movies and Media and how they relate culturally & globally! Hosted by CEOHaize
Apple Podcast: http://bit.ly/TASPod
Spotify: http://bit.ly/TASSpot
Google Play: http://bit.ly/TASoul
Spreaker: http://bit.ly/TASspreaker
iHeart Radio: http://bit.ly/tasheart
Soundcloud: http://bit.ly/TASscloud
The TV Twins, Tachi and Kevin, bring you the latest TV, film and entertainment news and TV show reviews, with a side of comedy. Tachi is a media professor, livestreamer and filmmaker and Kevin is a podcaster and technophile. We both have and insatiable love for TV. Basically, If you’re watching it, we’re talking about it!
Black, Trans, & Beautiful discusses life, politics, pop culture, and more from a Transwoman of Color perspective. With guests and special appearances, Yannick Taylor details what it is like being transgender and Black. Black, Trans, & Beautiful offers wellness tips, advice, and story times. We even have a special audio drama on Fridays.